Join Mekina Mender for Brokers and Car Dealers

Our aim to make Mekina Mender great is now growing even bigger. With that, we have created a new Facebook Group Page called Mekina Mender for Brokers and Car Dealers. With brokers, we mean Car Brokers.

We urge every Broker and Car Dealer to join this group. To join, you can search the group on Facebook by typing the name "Mekina Mender for Brokers and Car Dealers or you can just click this link

The aim of this group is to assist brokers who wish to advertise their ads in Mekina Mender website but could not list them either because they are too busy or they are faced with other chalanges conncerning with the listing. When that becomes the reason, we advise you not to worry.

Mekina Mender has secured a professional who can list your ads in the website on your behalf. But because internet costs money, you would have to pay few amount of Birr to faciliotate this.

How is it done to list your cars?

Mekina Mender has sought an easy way to do it. Brokers and car dealers are required to join a facebook group page first. Then after joining it, they will post cars in that group page normally as they would do it when they post ads in Sell and Buy Cars in Mender Ethiopia, Sell and Buy anthying in Addis Ababa or Online Mercato Facebook Group Pages. This Group Page is Called Mekina Mender for brokers and car sellers.

What happen then when they list ads in the Group Page?

When they list or post ads in Mekina Mender for brokers and car dealers, then the contractor will get the ads from there and list them in the website accessed via  It is expected that members have already registered in Mekina Mender website have regisreted. 

The price for listing

The price to list an ad is 50 Birr per car or vehicle so as to cover the cost of the Internet and time used to list an ad. Again, we want to reassure readers that this price does not necessarily mean a price for Mekina Mender but a price for contractor only when he or she helps with the listing of your ads.  

For car dealers and brokers who have a lot of cars, the price can be negotiated or reduced to not more than 40 Birr per a car or sometimes it could be as low as 35 birr and the web master can cover the remaning cost for you.

Who can Join this group?

Mekina Mender urges all car dealers and brokers to use this service and save our fellow Ethiopians from unneeded phone calls when they make enquiry about the cars they would love to buy.

This is because when we list cars in the website with the right information in place, buyers can form an opinion about the ad they are viewing. It is not time consuming. It is is effective and it is the great way to conduct search to find the right car. We beleieve it is our moral duty to help our customers find cars in seconds as buyers can find their cars they want among thousands and thousands of cars that might be in the website.

Is it easy to find a car in Mekina Mender website?

Mekina Mender is a great website when it comes to search options and we need your help to list your cars and make this become a reality. With the coming of our app which is not too far away, we need you more than ever. 

We need more cars in the website. Buuyers can narrow search by the colour of the car they want in Mekina Mender, by year of manufacture, by drive, by kilometres, by body type, by transmission, by fuel type, by the number of doors, by the number of seats, by location and more importantly by price.  These details are not easy to put. But they must be put without that, an ad won’t get uploaded. Again, they are incredibly significant when a buyer looks for the car. Without those details, a buyer can spend days and days browsing a website trying to find a car of their choice. But with these details when put correctly, it can only take a minute.

That is why the Mekina Mender contractor will be so much of a handy for any car dealer or car brokers business as he or she will do it correctly the way it is required by the database. Please join the facebook group or ring this number if you need more details. The number of the contractor is: 0913 088 167.

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