Shortway Instructions of Listing an Ad on Mekina Mender Mobile App

With Mekina Mender Mobile APP now available for Download, It become so Easy to List a Car.

All you have to do to list a car in Mekina Mender is to follow the instructions. Please see the instructions below.


   When you open the Mekina Mender Mobile App, it looks like the one you see on the left 

 Under Mekina Mender word on the top, you will see four squares followed by different levels of body types for cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles. The first bodytype that you see is a city bus followed by Coupe. There are also other bodytypes that you might not see. But scroll through to see them. Then the list of ads will appear after bodytypes. The newest ads appear on the top while the oldest ads appear on the bottom. You can view the ads like the way you see or you can view them single ad in a row. To view the ads single ad in a row, just click the four squares up on the top. Then the ads will appear in a single row.  

     Down the bottom, you will see some buttons and they include: Buy which is the one by Default where the list appears. Then it is followed by Categories, Sell and Account.  
     The truck with Yellow background is a button to press when listing an ad. 
     When you press it, you will see the page or form opening up asking you to select a category. Please see below. 


   Here when you press or touch the sell icon above, the page will open up a new layer where you will have to select a category of the item that you are listing. 

There are few categories in Mekina Mender to choose from. This include Buses, Cars, Trucks, Motocycles, Trailers, cars for rent, buses for rent and trucks for rent. The most prominent categories are cars, buses and trucks. Sometimes, there are cars for rent which are also listed for advertisment in Mekina Mender. When that happens, then users go and select cars for rent category instead of selecting  car category. As you could see on the form where you have to select, it asks you to slecet a category. 



   For the benefit of the instructions, I have selected a car because many items that are listed in Mekina Mender are cars

Please have a look to the left of this text to see the car.  Once you select this car category, then you will see many options where you will have to select based on the type of the car that you are listing and its features. 



   Now, you will see things like select Make, seclect Model, select Body Type, select  Drive and so on.  
     When you select a Brand or Make of the car you are listing, you will see a dropdown menu where you wil have to select the type of the brand that you are listing. A Make sometime means brands. Toyota, Hyundai or Mitsubshi are Brands or Makes. There are over 300 Makes some of which will never be available for sale in this website. But for the sake of everyone's pleasure, we have made every Make available in Mekina Mender. 
        As Toyota is one of the popular Makes in Ethiopia, we have selected Toyota for the sake of this instruction. Please select a Make of your choice. After you select Make, there are a lot to seect before you could post or list your ad. Then comes the Model. In this case, I selected Vitz. After the model, there comes the body types which also needs to be selected. Then comes Drive whthere the car is a four wheel drive, front wheel drive or a two wheels drive. After that comes the fuel type, whether the car takes petrol, diesel, hybrid or a gas. Then it will be a transmission type whether the car is a manual or an automatic. Then the condition of the car whether it is used a brand new or a write off. Then it will be the exterior colour of the car. Then it will be the interior colour of the car. 





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