Mekina Mender Mobile APP is Ready. Download it Now

It took awhile thinking about to built an APP for Mekina Mender. It also took a while before it became available. Now that it is available, we are believing that Car Search will be easier because there is nothing better than technology. But an intgral Part of this APP
is that users have the ability to conduct a search for a car they would like to purchase not only by its Brand (Make), but also by a colour. That is a good thing about the Mekina Mender website and the Mobile APP in particular which comes as in a handy because many users in Ethiopia access the Internet using mobile devices.
There are few bugs yet to be fixed in the APP before it could be fully functional. However, when those are fixed, there is no doubt that Mkina Mender would be the best APP in Ethiopia as far as car search is concerned. Additional good thing about the APP is that it does not only advertise cars on the screen but also it has categories for trucks, motor bikes, trailers and buses. The App as well as the websites offers users all across Ethiopia a new way to list vehicles either for sale or for rent.
Mekina Mender is the only website and a Mobile APP in Ethiopia where users have the opportunity to search and select the vehicle of their choice by year of manufacture, kilometres or mileage, town or city, colour, Make or even engine size. With this abundant technology, Mekina Mender is adamant that users will be able to save unnecessary enquiries from asking people around them which can sometimes be seen as annoying. That feeling of annoyance will now be eliminated because all the answers people would like to know about the car they wish to purchase will be available in the APP. To Download Mekina Mender on Google Play, click here and to download Mekina Mender on APP Store click here
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