
Cars for Sale in Ethiopia

Car Sale in Ethiopia is a big industry. There are so many car sellers in the country particularly in Addis Ababa who are attracted to this sector. Many of these group uses different avenue to sell their cars.  These include area brokers, local newspapers and a word of mouth from acquaintances, friend or

those who might have had interaction with them.

However, from the last few years, a significant shift from this method had evolved. Sellers have adopted other means to get their messages across regarding the availability, affordability and durability of their products.

This tool has been the internet and social media which in fact changes the dynamic of advertisement. For both the buyers and the sellers, the benefit of online advertisement is enormous. Mekina Mender is proud to make this even better.

With so many brands and so many models, buyers do have to do a pub crawl from shop to shop or from woreda to other woreda. Mekina Mender makes searches so easy as it could be performed by the colour of the car a potential buyer wants, the kilometres travelled or the year of manufacture.

A search can go as far as one might like including the price range and sort by whether from low to high, high to low, date listed or from Make whether A to Z or Z to A.

All the information can be obtained in a second from the screen of their devices. Mekina Mender has over 150 Car Makes or Brands. Most of these Brands will never be filled in Ethiopia as some of the cars are not good for Ethiopian roads. But it is essential to have them as nobody knows the future.  

But the most popular ones in the country are there published in the website and they include BMW, Cherry, Chevrolet, Daewoo, Hyundai, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Renault Suzuki and Toyota. These brands have countless models, and a buyer would be able to narrow search in just a blink of an eye.

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